
> Développement du Leadership <

> Accompagner l’impact humain des transformations <


  • Aux niveaux de l’organisation, de l’équipe et de la personne
  • Coaching, Conseil, Assessment, Formation


  • Assessment: TTI Success Insights (DISC, WPMOT, EQ, PTSI, 360°, Stress)
  • Approche systémique, Coach ICF, Programmation Neuro-Linguistique, Approche Neuro-Cognitive et Comportementale (INC), approche TransOrg


OW SERIES: Day 40 – How to structure a burnout sufferer’s return to work?

We are currently seeing a lot of interest around managing burnout within teams. The difficulty employees face in trying to maintain a good balance in life, carry very heavy loads (work, mental and emotional) – especially in companies that have had to maintain normal productivity, and the lack of effective social support largely explain the …

OW SERIES: Day 39 – A new hero is born: the “positive deviant”

Troubled times give birth to individuals with valuable personality profiles: the « positive deviants ». They are known to transgress the rules and push past established norms for the good of all. They contribute enormously to innovation by deviating from existing habits without knowing much about why they were so ineffective. The period we are going through …

OW SERIES: Day 38 – The RARE approach to managing teams after lockdown

I’ve often been asked if I have any advice on how to structure the psychological approach to post-lockdown. I hereby invite you to utilise the « RARE » method: – Recognize: sensitize teams to be able to detect weak signs shown by people in psychological distress (a secondary prevention technique) – Act: teach teams how to start …


15 boulevard des Invalides – F 75007 Paris, France
267 rue François Desnoyer – F 34200 Sète, France